Italian History and Culture
Find out how history and culture have influenced the development of the Italian language, and how speakers from all over the world use Italian today.
Read Dante's Inferno in Italian and English
English Translation of Dante's Divine Comedy: Inferno: Canto III
Year-Round Italian Holidays and Festivals
20 Italian Baby Names That Start With 'F'
25 Things Every New Italian Language Learner Should Know
The National Color of Italy
What's the National Symbol of Italy?
The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Canto V
Italian Hand Gestures
5 Interesting Facts About the Medici Coat of Arms
Thanksgiving in Italy
Italian Christmas Traditions
Traditional Italian Recipes for the Holidays
Italian Soccer Teams Have Colorful Nicknames
Origins of Italian Surnames
History of the Festa della Repubblica Italiana
Types of Coffee Served in Italy
Italian Proverbs Beginning With 'C'
Top 20 Italian Baby Names
Think Like An Italian, Speak Like An Italian
Buona Pasqua: Easter in Italy
How Popular Is Italian?
Italian Heritage Month Celebrations
The History of the Italian Language
You Say Pepperoni...
Italian Proverbs: Proverbi Italiani
Pronouncing Italian Last Names
Why Do Italians Consider Friday the 17th Unlucky?
Top 10 Movies Set In Sicily
Linguality Italian Book Club
Baseball in Italy