How to Talk About Your Family in Italian

Phrases and Vocabulary

Family eating together in Italy
Cultura RM Exclusive/Zero Creatives / Getty Images

While Italians are passionate about a lot of things—food, calcio, fashion, to name a few—family is one of the most important.

Since it is such an essential part of Italian culture, you’re going to be asked about your family when you start to chat with natives, and it’s a great conversation starter.

So what specific vocabulary words do you need to know, and which phrases will help the conversation flow smoothly?

Basic Vocabulary - Family Members


la zia


il ragazzo


il fratello


il cognato

cousin (female)

la cugina

cousin (male)

il cugino


la figlia


la nuora


la famiglia


il padre


il suocero


la ragazza


il nipote


la nipote


il nonno


la nonna


i nonni


il nipote


il marito


la madre


la suocera


il nipote


la nipote


i genitori


il parente


la sorella


la cognata


il figlio


il genero


il patrigno


la matrigna

step brother; half brother

il fratellastro

step sister; half sister

la sorellastra


lo zio


la moglie

Conversational Phrases

A casa tutto bene? - Is everything good at home?
"A casa" here is used as in a figurative way to mean, “family”.​

Another option is to ask: Come sta la sua famiglia? - How is your family?

If you want to ask informally, you can say, “Come sta la tua famiglia?”

  • Come stanno i suoi? - How are your (parents)?

If you want to ask informally, you can say, “Come stanno i tuoi?”

FUN FACT: Italians shorten “i tuoi genitori” to “i tuoi”, so you can say “i miei” instead of “i miei genitori” and sound more Italian.

  • Ha fratelli o sorelle? - Do you have brothers or sisters?

If you want to ask informally, you can say, “Hai fratelli o sorelle?"

  • Ha dei figli? - Do you have any kids?

If you want to ask informally, you can say, “Hai dei figli?”

  • Ho due maschi e una femmina. - I have two boys and one girl.
  • Si chiama… - His/her name is...
  • Hai una famiglia numerosa! - You have a big family!
  • Sono figlio unico. - I’m an only child. (male)
  • Sono figlia unica. - I’m an only child. (female)
  • Lei è sposato/a? - Are you married?

If you want to ask informally, you can say, “Sei sposato/a?”. Use “sposato”, ending in -o, if you’re asking a male. Use “sposata,” ending in -a, if you’re asking a female.

  • La mia famiglia viene dalla (Sardegna). - My family is from (Sardegna).
  • Mio figlio si è appena laureato! - My son just graduated!
  • Vado a trovare la mia famiglia (in Calabria). - I’m going to visit my family (in Calabria).
  • Che lavoro fa (tuo marito)? - What does your husband do for work?
  • Mia madre fa (l’insegnante). - My mother is a (teacher).
  • Dove abita? - Where does he/she live?
  • Le presento (mio marito). - Let me introduce my husband to you.

If you want to say this informally, you can say, “Ti presento (mia moglie)”.

  • Mi saluti sua moglie! - Say hello to your wife for me!

If you want to say this informally, you can say, “Salutami (tua moglie)!”.

Practice Dialogue

The best way to learn the language is to see the phrases and the vocabulary in action, so below you’ll find a practice dialogue between two friends who have run into each other on the street.

  • Person 1: Ciao! Come stai? - Hey! How are you?
  • Person 2: Sto bene, e tu? - I’m doing well, and you?
  • Person 1: Tutto a posto, come sta la tua famiglia? - Everything is good, how is your family?
  • Person 2: Sta bene, mia figlia si è appena laureata! - They are good, my daughter just graduated!
  • Person 1: Complimenti!! E tuo marito? - Congratulations!! And your husband?
  • Person 2: Lavora moltissimo, ma andrà in pensione fra un anno. E tua figlia? - He’s working a lot, but he’ll be retiring in a year. And your daughter?
  • Person 1: Giulia? La settimana scorsa ha compiuto sedici anni. - Giulia? Last week she turned 16 years old.
  • Person 2: Davvero? Lei è cresciuta troppo in fretta! - Really? She grew up too fast!
  • Person 1: Lo so, è così. Allora, devo andare, è stato bello vederti, a presto! - I know, that’s how it is. Well, I’ve got to go, it was great to see, talk soon!
  • Person 2: A presto! - Talk soon!
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Your Citation
Hale, Cher. "How to Talk About Your Family in Italian." ThoughtCo, Apr. 5, 2023, Hale, Cher. (2023, April 5). How to Talk About Your Family in Italian. Retrieved from Hale, Cher. "How to Talk About Your Family in Italian." ThoughtCo. (accessed May 17, 2024).